Jun 21, 2021

Gulliver visit


We have a very special visitor for about two weeks. A small rabbit named Gulliver travels around the world and spends about two weeks with a host family all around the world. The rabbit and the idea about his journey started with the toy designer Sarah Elizabeth Kellner who sent her knitted rabbit on his adventurous journey in July 2018. 

You can follow Gulliver's journey in the Ravelry group Rabbit Hole Knits and see though pictures, extracts from his travelling diary, and a map how many wonderful places and people Gulliver met along his journey. 

I always admired her toy designs, you can see her patterns here on her website: Rabbit Hole Knits

For two weeks Gulliver is staying with us, exploring the places and meeting new friends, like Monster Al and Little Blue Bear.

In the picture below you can see the two of them reading one of the books about Monster Al's adventures, if you want to know what is in that particular story, read the story here

Gulliver allows everyone to see their lives from a new perspective and appreciate the place we live in, the people we are surrounded by and what we do. For a brief moment we are sharing our lives with a stranger and become friends for life. 

Thank you for reading.

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