Few weeks ago, I had a small visitor. She came and asked me to knit her Kuky, the bear. Then she returned and asked for another toy. She looked through my pile of yarn, and picked some. She told me, I want a sheep in these colors, the sheep needs a pacifier and the sheep's name will be Timmy. I really didn't have time to knit. Life got busy with other things. But she was persistent, every time she came for a visit she asked: "Where is my sheep?"
I couldn't resist, I just had to knit the sheep. When she came the next time, I gave her the sheep. She looked at me, took it, hugged the sheep in her arms, and smiled. That was it. No words, just the smile and a hug.
I know, I can't go to a yarn store and buy a new yarn with a smile or hug, but sometimes these little gestures are the best rewards that we can receive.
Thank you for visiting.
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