Reflections |
Reflections on life.....
I started this blog post few weeks ago. Then I stopped and left it unfinished.
I wasn't sure what I would like to include in this post.
There are so many things that keep floating through my mind lately, and I am not sure where to start and where to end.
The first image is of my dog. We went for a hike few weeks ago and I took this photo. I posted it on my personal FB and a friend suggested that I should submit the image as she thought its beautiful. I haven't done anything serious in photography field for years. To be more specific, I haven't done anything since my pregnancy. I guess the whole motherhood somehow kept me occupied enough for years. It still keeps busy, but since the DVT and PE that happened to me last year in March I slowed down and started to reflect more on what I have close to my heart.
The thing about DVT (deep vein thrombosis) and PE (pulmonary embolism) is that it can kill you. Somewhere I read statistics that every 10th person dies from it. I guess I have been lucky twice so far. My first DVT was at the time when I had two weeks old baby, and then the next one was last year in March. Somehow the fact that I have this ticking bomb inside my veins is frightening and can keep me awake at nights. Yet I try to live my life and continue with day to day tasks and chores.
My hikes in the woods with the puppy, which arrived less than a month after my DVT and PE episode keep me busy in a positive way.
I spend about two to three hours a day walking. Most of the time I love it, except when it rains a lot and is windy. The other thing I dislike about these hikes is the higher exposure to the ticks. I have found them even in January!
Also the hikes in the woods take away my knitting time and my social media time. I wish it would take away my house choir time, but somehow that doesn't seem to be happening.
In any case, I try to carry on with my work on designing new and interesting knitting patterns, and I hope to continue for many years to come.
The picture bellow was taken on another hike with my dog and the kid. I have been collecting heart shaped stones for long time and sometimes I see the heart shape image in another places. When I captured this photo I saw only one heart shape, but then I looked at it again and saw another one, dark and light halves put together creating an almost perfect heart shape. Can you see it too?
Seven years ago I wrote first blog post. I must say it has been an interesting journey. Google statistic tells me that almost 750 000 people have visited this corner of the Internet. That is amazing. I hope that those who stopped by were inspired by my work and perhaps will keep returning to see what is new on my adventurous journey through life.
Here are few links I thought to share with you:
The post about Life, DVT, and PE
Photography contest entry
And as always, thank you for visiting.
As a thank you for the blog visitors I have created a discount for my knitting patterns. You can get one free pattern of your choice from my pattern collection by using the coupon code
Life in the checkout. The promotion runs until Monday March 5th 2018 midnight Eastern US time.
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