
Dec 31, 2014

Last Day and New Beginning

Everyone reflects on the year that is about to end and think and plan for the New Year, hoping that it will bring more of ........ (fill in the blank).
I do that too, thinking of what I have accomplished and seen, and done, and what else I would like to see and make and accomplish in the New Year.

I would like to say THANK YOU for visiting my little corner of the internet where I share my ideas, and creations that bring smile to me, and people around me, and I hope that it brings some joy to you, my readers, as well.

Thank you, my wonderful test knitters with who I had the privilege to work with over the course of the past few years. You have helped to bring my ideas to life by test knitting, and giving me wonderful feedback and suggestions. I hope that my patterns reflect that.

Just a little trip down the memory line to remember what I have created in 2014, starting with a ball of yarn, two hands and few knitting needles:

Cheers to a New Year.
Let's hope it's a good one.

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