
Apr 22, 2012

Knitting Pattern for Minions - Part 2

by Stana D.S.
Finished Toy Size: 9" (22cm) tall

This is Part 2 of the Knitting Pattern for Minions.
The first part of the Pattern is available here:

Knitting Pattern for Minions - Part 1

Yarn: Less than a ball of sport to medium weight yarn (yellow color, or color of your choice), remnants of black yarn, grey yarn and white yarn. Also small amount of blue color yarn.
Recommended Needle Size: DPN US #3/32.5mm (set of 5)
Notions: Yarn needle, crochet hook, scissors, stitch marker, stitch holders, polyester fiberfill (1 small bag)
Abbreviations: KFB = Knit in front and back of the same st, it creates 2sts from 1st.
SSK = slip st, slip st and knit the 2sts together. This decrease 2sts to 1st.
K2tog = knit 2sts together, this decrease 2sts to 1st.
I -cord = the sts are knitted from first needle to second needle, do not turn the needle around, just push the sts to beginning of the needle and knit again. This technique makes tube.
Overalls Pants 
First Leg: With blue yarn and three double pointed needles cast on 16sts (5 or 6sts per needle). Place the stitch marker on the first st and begin working in the round.
Row 1 - 10: Knit around (16sts total), transfer the sts to 2 needles (or use the stitch holders), 8sts per needle. Cut the yarn leaving long enough tail.
Second Leg: With blue yarn and three double pointed needles cast on 16sts (5 or 6sts per needle). Place the stitch marker on the first st and begin working in the round.
Row 1 - 10: Knit around (16sts total), transfer the sts to 2 needles, 8sts per needle.
Row 11: Knit 8sts from the first needle for second leg, knit 8sts from the first needle for the first leg, continue with the next 8sts from the first leg and finish the row with 8sts from the second leg (32sts total)
Row 12: *KFB, Knit 3; repeat from the * around, 10sts per needle (40sts total)
Row 13: Knit around (40sts total)
Row 14: *KFB, Knit 4; repeat from * around, 12sts per needle (48sts total)
Row 15 - 22: Knit around (48sts total)
Row 23: Knit 18, Knit and cast off 12, Knit 12, Knit and cast off 6
Row 24: Knit and cast off 6. At this point you will have 12sts at front and 12sts in the back of work. Leave the 12 sts at the back of work, and continue to work with the 12sts in the front of work using stockinette stitch.
Row 24, 26, 28, 30, 32: Knit 12sts
Row25, 27, 29, 31, 33: Purl 12sts
Row 34: Knit and cast off 10sts, leaving last 2sts, I-cord the 2sts for approximately 4" (10cm). Cut the yarn leaving long enough tail, and thread the tail on a yarn needle. Pull the end through the remaining stitches on needle, gather up and close the hole.
Reattach the yarn to the 12 sts at the back of the work, and repeat the rows 24 - 34. When making the I-cord make sure it's on the opposite side of the I-cord from the front of the work. Sew the ends of the I-cords to the top of overalls, and close the hole in between the legs by sewing it together. Weave in all the ends.

The grey sides of goggles:
With the grey yarn cast on 5sts. I-cord for approximately 4.5" (12cm). Cut the yarn, leaving long enough tail, and thread the tail on a yarn needle. Pull the end through the remaining stitches on needle, gather up and close the hole.. Sew together the beginning and end of I-cord. This creates one circle. Repeat for second circle.

White patch:
With the white yarn and two DPN needles cast on 10sts. (5sts per needle), knit in the round.
Row 1: Knit around (10sts total)
Row 2: KFB, Knit 3, KFB,KFB, Knit 3, KFB (14sts total)
Row 3: KFB, Knit 5, KFB, KFB, Knit 5, KFB (18sts total)
Row 4 - 5: Knit around (18sts total)
Row 6: SSK, Knit 5, K2tog, SSK, Knit 5, K2tog (14sts total)
Row 7: SSK, Knit3, K2tog, SSK, Knit 3, K2tog (10sts total)
Row 8: Knit around (10sts total)
Row 9: Knit and cast off from both needles at the same time.
Sew the grey circle to the white patch. If the goggles are double eyed, sew the two grey circles together on one side. Use the picture as a guide. Embroider the eyes with black yarn.

The black belt for the goggles:
With the black yarn cast on 6sts. I-cord for approximately 7" (17cm). If single eyed google the length will be slightly longer. Please make sure to measure the length by putting the belt and goggles around the Minions head. Cut the yarn, leaving long enough tail, and thread the tail on a yarn needle. Pull the end through the remaining stitches on needle, gather up and close the hole. sew the beginning of the I-cord to one side of the google circles, and the other end to the other side. Sew the goggles to the face of the Minion using the picture as a guide.

With 3DPN and a yarn  cast on 48sts. (16sts per needle). Place the stitch marker on the first st and begin working in the round.
Row 1 - 7: Knit around (48sts total)
Row 8: *SSK, Knit 14; repeat from * around, 15sts per needle (45sts total)
Row 9: *SSK, Knit 13; repeat from * around, 14sts per needle (42sts total)
Row 10: *SSK, Knit 12; repeat from * around, 13sts per needle (39sts total)
Row 11: *SSK, Knit 11; repeat from * around, 12sts per needle (36sts total)
Row 12: *SSK, Knit 10; repeat from * around, 11sts per needle (33sts total)
Row 13: *SSK, Knit 9; repeat from * around, 10sts per needle (30sts total)
Row 14: *SSK, Knit 3; repeat from * around, 8sts per needle (24sts total)
Row 15: *SSK, Knit 2; repeat from * around, 6sts per needle (18sts total)
Row 16: *SSK, Knit 1; repeat from * around, 4sts per needle (12sts total)
Row 17: SSK all around, 2sts per needle (6sts total)
Row 18: SSK all around (3sts total). Continue I-cord till the length of I-cord is approximately 4" long. Cut the yarn, leaving long enough tail, and thread the tail on a yarn needle. Pull the end through the remaining stitches on needle, gather up and close the hole. Make a knot with the I-cord.

Finishing: With the black yarn embroider the smile on Minions face. With the black yarn make some hair.

Copyright: This pattern was design and writen by Stana D.S.
The pattern is for personal use only. The finished items may not be sold for profit, except for charities. Please acknowledge the author. Thank you.


  1. Question about the overalls: at Row 15 it shows "Row 15-22: Knit around", then right below it is instructions for Row 16. Should 16 actually be Row 23, or am I reading it wrong?

    (I use a notepad to keep track since I'm usually bouncing between projects, and the numbering for this has me flummoxed)

  2. Thank you for pointing this out, I am sorry for the mistake in number of rows. I have corrected the numbers and it should be correct now.

  3. Hi, thanks for the wonderful pattern! I am very confused about the white part of the eye...Which way is it supposed to lie? Following the pattern I end up with a two-layer white patch open at one end, and it doesn't seem to look anything like what you have in the picture. Could you provide more detailed instructions or pictures as to which way it's supposed to be attached? Thanks!

    1. Hello, the eye patch is basically done to have two layers of the stockinette stitch on the outside and the bumpy purl is on the inside, you have to sew the two layers together and that way it creates a bit of dimension to the eye, then you sew the grey I-cord around the eye patch. If you making two eyed minion repeat for the second eye and sew the two goggles together, then attach the black I-cord and then sew the entire goggle eye onto the minion. By having two layers of the white and the I-cord around it, it creates dimension instead of having the goggles embroidered. If you look at my minions the first on the right has the eye patch less dimensional than the others, it was my first minion and I did not use the double layered white patch with I-cord around it, it was one layered eye patch with grey stitches on the sides.
      I hope this helps. Happy knitting and thank you

    2. Thank you so much! That clears it up :)

  4. Hi
    I haven't tried knitting them yet, but will do so shortly; I just wanted to thank you very sincerely for sharing the explanations with us, i was getting desperate as I don't know how to crochet, and only found patterns for crocheted minions until tonight. i don't know how to thank you for your generosity and only hope I can succeed to make them as nice and realistic as you have done.
    thanks a million

    1. Hello Linda,
      I am happy that my pattern will be useful to you. Good luck with knitting.
