
Aug 15, 2019

Social Media

Last month I posted my latest pattern for Voyager Sweater on Ravelry.
The pattern has reached within a day page 1 on Hot Right Now on Ravelry. It was wonderful to see my pattern there. It also made me think about social media and their effect on us.
Bellow is just my humble opinion.
It seems that the number of followers and likes across the various social media creates an illusion of who is and who is not succesful.  If I look at the number of the followers I have on any of the social media platforms I am definitively not successful. I am not an influencer and my patterns don't stay on page 1 for too long. Yet personally I feel deeply satisfied with my creative work. The simple act of creating brings me deep satisfaction and happiness. I don't get this kind of feeling from having x amount of likes. Sure it is nice and it is needed in order to reach more people, to be seen by others, even bring some income for all the hard work that I do in order to make my knitting patterns great. However the feeling of satisfaction about creating something is not there.

I started to write this blog post about a month ago. I left it unfinished for about a month. I actually took a month off from being present on any social media platform, except few check ins on Ravelry in my group to answer questions and follow up with the test knits for few of my upcoming patterns. It was an interesting experiment. It seems that my absence on social media went unnoticed and haven't really affected anything. I did not worry about how many people visited my blog, or FB page or Instagram. My knitting patterns continue to sell like before and I enjoyed the creative process of knitting one stitch at the time as always. 

I probably missed a lot of things that happened on the social media platforms, but I managed to enjoy quiet moments of peace and acceptance. Life goes on...

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