
May 31, 2018


After storm
Life can bring unexpected twists and turns at a whim. On Tuesday May 15th I went for our regular afternoon hike with the puppy into the woods. I was with a friend and her dogs. Suddenly the weather changed and fast approaching storm caught us in the middle of the woods. We made it back to our cars just in time to avoid the large hail. Then we tried to get back home. Our usual 10 minutes journey turned into a chaotic search for a way out from being trapped on a road between fallen trees. We were not the only one trying to find our way home. There were many other people trapped who were searching for their way home. In the end we parked our cars and walked home. We had to walk around fallen trees, downed wires and sometimes walk around an impassable sections of the roads. It took me about two hours, while my friend had to walk an extra hour to reach her home. I guess our dogs got quite an exercise that evening.  
The storm lasted about seven minutes or something like that, according to the weather channels and news reports, but the destruction it left behind will take months to recover.
For us personally, we were without electricity for a week, without Internet for two weeks, and we are still to this day without phone. We were lucky that our home didn't get damaged, while so many other homes in the area were damaged by fallen trees.
In the time after the storm I have experienced compassion and kindness. People were helping each other, neighbors pitched in and helped those who couldn't do much due to their age or health. It was wonderful to see this kind of collaboration and help among the view of destruction the storm left behind.
Life is slowly returning to normalcy, though there is still a lot of work to be done.
In the quiet moments in the past few weeks I have tried to find a sense of tranquility and peace by taking up the knitting needles and knit. I cannot share the pictures of the knitting projects that kept me calm during those weeks yet. I will do that when the patterns are released by the yarn companies.
In this collage picture I have a sneak peak at one of the projects I was working on, and few of the heart shaped images I saw during those days when I went on the walks with the puppy.
May 2018
Thank you for visiting.


  1. I just ventured in here for the first time (from Lucy's "Another Day" blog). I was drawn to your nature pictures and am so sorry to read about the damaging storm you had in your area this spring. Your knitting is beautiful. You make lovely things. :)

    1. Hello Becki,
      thank you for your kind words about my photos and knitting :)


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hello Becki,
      I haven't thought about the subscribe email gadget. I might add it in the future. I must admit somehow in my life the knitting takes preference over writing about it :)
      Have a wonderful day
