
Mar 16, 2018

Work in progress I.

Since my last blog post I have been busy.

I was overwhelmed by the amount of visitors and kindness of people who left comments, or send me messages. For three days, when the coupon code was active I felt like my blog went viral, in comparison with the normal activity I can see.
Thank you everyone for your kind words, for your visits, and I hope that there will be plenty of knitted projects created from my patterns.

In the real life we had few snowstorms over here and a lot of snow. On our way to skiing resort this past weekend we saw this sign along the road. It was funny. Although I enjoy skiing and winter, the constant snow shoveling wreck havoc on my lower back. I kind of hope for spring to come soon.

Winter fun?
Otto, the owl was my first toy mystery KAL for this year. The two finished samples I have donated to our local library for fun gift away for the children. Here is the picture from the coloring contest gift away.
Otto, the owl coloring contest
 At the moment we have another fun gift away at the children library. This time they can win Celeste the cat.
Celeste, Cat-trick day gift away
Here are the two Celeste, made out of scrap cotton yarn:
I had been asked for a rabbit for the next fun contest. Here is my WIP.
And here is a picture of my future big knitting project. I just received the yarn, and will start working on it as soon as my rabbit is finished. In a way I am returning to the beginning of my knitting life. One of my first knitting projects was a sweater for myself, when I was I think 13 or 14 years old. I made it up completely, without using a pattern. I had that sweater for years, and loved it. After I have knitted many more sweaters, mostly created from my sketches and drawn ideas. I think it's about time to create a sweater pattern, something I have not done yet.

Yarn for Voyager Sweater
Thank you for visiting.

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