
Feb 7, 2018

Snowday projects

We have another snow day.... I must admit I like those unexpected snow days, when it's better to stay at home and enjoy the quiet moments. I had to pick between my two WIP projects and decide which one I should work on.

Last night I made the dough for the bread. This morning I baked it and we had a homemade fresh bread for lunch. I have been making this bread for few years now and everyone loves it.
I have found the recipe at Martha Stewart magazine and tried it and I have been making it ever since. The same bread recipe can be found in NY Times online. I am providing both links for anyone who would be interested in baking the bread.
Martha Stewart magazine link
Pane Integrale in NY Times

Bread, ready to be baked
Bread, fresh from the oven
Thank you for visiting.

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