
Jan 4, 2018

Happy New Year and Toy Mystery KAL

Knit Season
Happy New Year everyone!
I know, according to the calendar we are already few days in the year of 2018, but that's OK, I can still wish all of my readers and visitors Happy New Year even if it's few days late.

I hope that this New Year will bring more peace and compassion for all humanity and that love and kindness will prevail and continue to get stronger and more powerful in everyone's life.

In my little corner of the Universe I have started the New Year with a new toy mystery KAL.
In case you are not on Ravelry in my group and missed the announcement the mystery KAL for the toy, named Otto started today with the release of first clue. Have fun knitting.

Otto, toy mystery KAL

Otto, toy mystery KAL
Thank you for visiting.

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