
Aug 22, 2015


 Last June we had a snowball fight party. Here is my blog post about it. Due to the great success the half birthday snowball fight party had last year, we are repeating it again this year.

This picture shows the 101 snowballs I knitted last year. After the party was over, we gave away all of the snowballs. So I was asked to make another 100 snowballs this year. I started in January, like I did last year. But unlike last year I was not finished with knitting the snowballs by the end of February. This year I am rather slow. I missed the June deadline and I am not done knitting, yet.

I even took the snowballs project with me to the beach. This is snowball number 64.

I hope I will be done in time for the postponed snowball fight in September. I think we might keep some of the snowballs just in case there is the request for the third celebration next year.

Thank you for visiting.

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