
Sep 20, 2014

The Book Project

The Book Project is probably somewhere in the middle of the whole process. I still have few samples to finish, a whole lot of photographs to take, and of course the patterns to finish, polish, and have them test knit.

During this whole process I have learned few things.

I need to put it down and work on something with more instantaneous results. The side projects tend to take away the stress from this overwhelming feeling  I have when I think of how much work still needs to be done.

It is strange to think of this as stress inducing project, but I feel responsible for finishing the whole Book Project in a timely manner. After all Cascade Yarn company believed in my capability as a designer and provided the yarn support for the entire collection of the patterns.

So after I finished the work on two of the samples for The Book Project, I am taking a weekend off to knit a few Bears in PJ , because many of my friends, and colleagues at work had or are going to have new babies.

To make sure that I don't feel guilty of completely abandoning The Book Project, even if for a few days, I have looked through the photographs I took for the title page and narrowed it down to two pictures. Now, I have to decide which one to use. I like them both.

Title picture 1

Title picture 2
Thank you for visiting.

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