
Jul 4, 2014

Reading and knitting.....

Reading and knitting are two of my favorite things to do. If I could I would rather be knitting instead of house chores, but that is living in a dreamland rather than reality.

Anyway, I love our local library. We are very frequent visitors and know the librarians by their name. During the summer the children section of the library offers summer reading program. Children are encouraged to read and for every book they read or every hour they read they receive a raffle ticket. Local families and businesses donate prizes and children can place their raffle tickets to containers next to the prices on display. Each week the winners are randomly picked and the recipients receive their price.

Every year I donate some of my knitted toys. This year I gave two Miranda's the owl in pink and blue as well as Owlie tablet and phone cover. The other day we visited the library and the container next to my Miranda was filled with raffle tickets. It is a great feeling to see how many avid readers are in the library, and even more how many of the readers want to own my knitted Miranda.

Thank you for visiting.


  1. Lovely, I love the combination of pink and blue.

    1. Hello Lucy, thank you for your kind comment. I saw these two colors at a store and just had to buy it ;)
