
May 24, 2014

Monster Al and his Friends

Monster Al and his friends
I have few ongoing projects that I work on at the moment.

One of them is my Book Project.
After I received the enormous box of yarn from Cascade Yarn company  I had to basically start over again, because all of the patterns will be knitted with their yarn. I am looking for the right publisher and I hope to find one. But in case that will not happen I will make the entire collection as an e-book and individual patterns as well. I am hoping to have it all done later this year.

Another project that I work on at the moment is looking for a publisher for my story Monster Al and his Friends. My thesis advisor made me promise to do that and submit my story. It is disheartening to look for a children's book publisher that would be willing to take on board an unknown author. Second option that is suggested by many - go and find a literary agent seems to be as difficult as the first scenario. I would like to remain optimistic and believe that there is a good end to this journey.

My first story about Monster Al (which I posted on my blog about a year ago) has find quite a few readers.

Maybe that is the way to do it.
What do you think?

Thank you for visiting.

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