
Apr 17, 2014

Owlie Tablet and Phone Cover

Owlie Tablet and Phone Cover
One of the groups on Ravelry that I belong to has a contest. We have to create a knitted or crochet owl toy and take an interesting or funny picture of our finished project. This is not the picture I took for the contest, but the theme inspired me to create this cute Owlie tablet and phone cover.

After the pattern is test knitted I will make it available for everyone. The dilemma I have at the moment is should it be a free or paid for knitting pattern? I am inclining to make it free, but then I think about the time it took to knit the samples, write the pattern, and all other expenses involved in producing a good knitting pattern. It is very difficult decision. I value my time and work, yet I know that sometimes it is hard to justify the charge, when free patterns are just a few clicks away.

Thank you for visiting.

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