
Sep 29, 2013


I believe that each and every season has its magic, and I like them all. However, when the heat of summer gives away to foggy misty mornings, intertwined with warm sunny days and cold evenings I enjoy it most. As a knitter I am happy that I can finally wear some of the garments that I have made in the past, and I dream about what  I would love to knit next. As a photographer I love the colors in nature around me and I have a sudden urge to capture the beauty of every leaf. The weekends aren't long enough for everything and just I wish that schools would give vacations on those beautiful days before the winter arrives and forces us to spend more time indoors then outdoors.

Thank you for visiting.


  1. Sehr schöne Kürbisse hast du gestrickt!!! Ich habe bisher nur gehäkelt! Gefallen mir prima! Sei lieb gegrüßt - Gritigrit

    1. Greetings Grit,
      und danke schon fur ihre schone worter.
      Thank you very much for your kind words.
      Enjoy your weekend
