
May 12, 2013

Monster Al

This is Monster Al and his friend Little Blue Bear.
What seems like a long time ago, I had class named Children Literature. Our main project for the class was to create original children's book. My child draw a picture of a monster, and that drawing was the beginning of Monster Al. I wanted to use drawings, based on the original picture, for the picture book, but I am not as good with paint brushes as I am with knitting needles, therefore I picked yarn and knitting needles and created knitted version of Monster Al. Monster Al needed a friend, and we picked this little blue bear and named him Little Blue Bear. The next step was to create a story. It was the best part. I received A+ for my book and the teacher suggested that I should try to  find a publisher. That part was not fun at all. I have spent months doing that, and in the end nothing came out of it. I do not think it's the story itself, but rather many factors combined together. After taking this semester class The Book I revisited the story of Monster Al, and I decided that I would like to see the story alive, and available for children to read. This blog attracts many people, and some of them have children or grandchildren of their own, or they might know some children. Perhaps they will find the story about Monster Al interesting enough to read and share. 
The story about  Monster Al can be found here:
The knitting pattern for Monster Al and his friends will be available.
Thank you for visiting.


  1. Das Monster sind ja süss aus! Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland!

    1. Hello Grit,
      Thank you for your kind compliment. Danke schon.
      Hello from the other side of Atlantic Ocean :)
