
Apr 23, 2013

The Book Project - The Beginning

Dear Reader,
The idea for this book was born at the beginning of a creative writing class named “The Book”. We received the syllabus and learned that we would attempt to write four chapters of an actual book we might want to publish. I was frantically searching for ideas to write an entire book. I knew that my favorite subject, children’s books would not be long enough to fulfill the required pages for this class. Furthermore, I did not want to write something that would end up on my piles of home work assignments and other useless creative endeavourers that have accumulated in the past years. In a moment of clarity I remembered my husband’s words, “You should write a book about your knitting patterns.” In my research on the subject I came across publishing houses that are actively seeking authors to submit ideas for knitting books and other craft books and I approached my professor with the idea. He was not thrilled at first, citing that I had to write a certain number of pages to fulfill the requirements for the class, but he changed his mind and let me be creative.
Creativity is something I really enjoy. It goes back to my childhood when I started to write books, as soon as I learned how to write. I also liked to watch my grandmother when she was knitting, crocheting, and embroidering whenever we would visit. It was about the same time that she began to teach me how to knit, crochet and embroider, and thankfully she was patient enough to continue with the slow and long process of teaching me how to wrap yarn around my fingers and hold the needles at the same time without loosing the stitches, or the yarn, or the needles. I am very grateful to my grandmother and her patience, because she gave me a gift that lasts even after she was gone, and every time I pick up the needles I think of her and the time we had together.
Another one of my creative outlets is photography. I did not learn to appreciate photography until my teenage years. I have seen my grandfather, an avid photographer, carrying cameras everywhere and taking pictures of mundane objects, people, and documenting life’s changes around him. Inspired by the men of the past who captured human’s history in their writings; he worked on several chronicles and documented the life around him through photographs. It was his devotion to capture the essence of everyday life and its effect on people that helped me discover the art of photography. Because of him, I learned to carry a camera and capture the fleeting moments in life that pass by too easily and are forgotten in the hassle of our busy lives.
I hope to pass the gift of observing and appreciating small things to anyone willing to open their heart and mind.

Thank you for visiting.

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