
Mar 30, 2013


.. seems to be taking its sweet time to arrive this year.

The same goes for the book I have been working on for the past few months. I did not realize how  time consuming this project will be. I have no regrets and am happy with the progress, though my patience is tested a lot.

Had I chosen a more simple project, like a work of fiction, I might have spend less time on it, but in the end the 80 pages that we have to turn in by the end of the semester would be just 80 pages of material that I would just put on a pile of old  homework assignments and that would be the end of it. This book, I hope, will be different.  When I am finish with it I will have about thirty new knitting patterns that will find an audience one way or another.

Some of the patterns are projects that I had worked on in the past, but did not finish the whole process, and some of the patterns are completely new, never seen before.Though in the knitting world it is hard to say that something has not been around before. I hope that my patterns will offer a fresh look at the world around us, and that they will make you want to pick up knitting needles and start to create your own version of one of my knitting patterns from the collection in the book project.

This particular unfinished project, the knitting pattern for tulip hat, did not make it into the book after all. Though I was thinking about including it in one of the parts of the book. Yet the tulip is in a way an important part, because it was the picture of the yellow tulip I took last spring that started it all.

Thank you for visiting.


  1. Stana, I love your tulip hat and I love your reading your blog. Keep creating, keep writing, but above all keep knitting!

    1. hello Donna,
      thank you for your kind and encouraging words. I will continue to write and definitively will continue to knit, it is my favorite thing to do enter the happy bubble of knitting world where the only problems I have to face is: shall I knit, or purl, and variation of these, and how to stay on track and finish one project before starting another, just because the yarn is calling.... :)
