
Jun 6, 2012

Pictures of some of the charitable donations

These toys travelled all the way to Michigan to be adopted by children in foster care.
These toys travelled all the way to Belgium to be adopted by children via Poekie project.

There are other toys and hats and baby blankets that have been already shipped somewhere else. I always hope that the recipients will appreciate the toys and will take care of them. It is something that I might never know, but that's OK. I will continue to send my toys away on their adventurous journeys to children all over the world.

Thank you for visiting.


  1. Hello, Poekie here!!! Your beautiful and cute handmade toys arrived today in Belgium, at Poekie's home!!! Thanks a lot!!! At july, Poekie will go to the hospital (toghether with my son, for cancer-controls) and Poekie will take 40 packages with cuddly toys with him! :) At each package are 3 toys (big, normal and smal :)). Thanks for helping Poekie, thanks for giving the children a smile!!
    I'll post about your toys at the Poekie-blog... you're on the waiting-list!
    You can see some photos at the blog with all the packages, just look at 'knuffels uz gent' and 'knuffels uz leuven' at the pages! :)

    BIG hug, Poekie & Saskia

    1. Hello Poekie and Saskia,
      I am glad that the toys are ready for the children and I hope that they will bring few smiles.
